River John Volunteer Fire Department
Address: 32 School St (directly behind C.G. Fulton Pharmacy)
PO Box 99 River John, NS
Phone: 911 Local Number: (902) 351-2223 In an emergency phone 911 and ask for fire, police or ambulance.
Events: visit the Community Hall for a list of upcoming events The Hall is available to be booked for special events such as weddings and dances.
Ladies Auxiliary- River John Fire Department
Address: Nova Scotia
The Auxiliary does fundraising to support the Volunteer Fire Department.
Events: The spring Ladies night out.
Meetings: Held the 3rd Monday of every month (except in the summer), at the River John Fire Hall.
New members welcome.
Address: 38 Caladh Ave,
Pictou, NS
Phone: 902-485-4333
River John RJ's Ladies Group
A group of ladies who meet every month through the year (except July and August) to plan several events
to raise money which is donated to various deserving causes in the River John area, as well as making
donations to deserving graduating students in the local high school.
Frazee Rebekah Lodge #33
Address: River John Village Nova Scotia
Meetings: Held the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month (except summers).
New members welcome.
River John Historical Society